CHMSC co-hosts Camp Blog 2010

      In order to fulfill the promise of “bridging the digital divide”, iSchools Project in cooperation with CHMS-ICT Department (Talisay Campus) coducted Camp Blog 2010 at Nature’s Village Resort, Talisay City from May 31 to June 9, 2010.
      It’s a national gathering of regional ICT Champions and iSchools recipients such as students, teachers and school administrators to practice their expertise in their field through the use of blogging. iSchools project was the main organizer of the camp and it’s one of the flagship projects of the Commission on Information and Communications Technology (CICT). CICT tapped CHMSC to co-host the event for it served as the provider of the facilities such as computers, technical support, additional staff and logistics preparation to name a few.
      “CICT has now 680 official high schools that are part of thid project and we are hoping to have 1000 high schools by this year”, Ms. Toni Torres, one of the organizers said. 54 participants including students, teachers and school administrators from iSchools all over the country attended to become competent ICT-for-Education champions in their localities.

 Source: CHMSC Technopacer

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Library goes air-conditioned

      The College Library is now fully air- conditioned, creating an environment conducive to learning and needed most by the clientele (students, faculty, alumni, outsiders and visitors) during their stay. Proposed few years back but the process took time until it was finally approved and is now operational. Seven air- conditioners were installed, 4 window types and 3 split types to give appropriate cooling.
      This can be part of the reason for the increase in library fee aside from the growing number of books, the addition of students laborers and other facilities as the College Library improves to meet the demands of it clientele. Since the library is an important feature of any educational institution as an avenue of learning so clientele ought to take care and maintain its facilities.

Source: CHMSC Tchnopacer

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Me and My CHMSC Friends

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Flooded Chmsc

Jan. 11, 2011
Chmsc became an olympic size swimming pool due to the heavy rain.

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We are just getting started!

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