
The CHMSC Community


            It serves as a center for all activities endorsed by the school, such as cultural presentations, convocations, and organization meetings.
            Any extra or co-curricular activity with approval from authorized school personnel may be held in the Multi- Purpose Gym.                           


            The college cafeteria provides food services to students and college personnel. It offers meals and snacks at various prices.


            To promote, preserve, and protect the health of the campus population, the college maintains a Medical and Dental clinic manned by one full- time dentist and a nurse.
            Students and College personnel may avail of the services and facilities of the medical and dental clinic for minor injuries and ailments.                       


1.      Too deliver quality services to students, faculty, staff, and to people in the community.
2.      To provide assistance in the development of the instructional system which will be effective and efficient in the accomplishment of institutional and instructional objectives.
3.      To entice students in utilizing the library by displaying newly acquired library materials.
4.      To maximize the use of library and its resources through imposition of rules and regulations.


            The Technopacer , The Junior Technopacer of the College and Secondary Departments and The Aquarian –CHMSC- COF, respectively, are the official student publications under the supervision of the Information and Publication Unit. These are run by the student staff, assisted by faculty advisers. These college publications develop students’ resources in article gathering, writing, and publication.

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